I created a super epic checklist of 20 things you can do when you feel burnout creeping in, do you want a copy?


When it comes to burnout, I commonly see biz owners make these mistakes:

✨ They stay silent about it and try to push through.

✨ They don't prioritise self-care for themselves.

✨ They don't delegate tasks.

✨ They never say no, even when at a capacity.


Is this you?


This is a mistake because burnout leads to a vicious cycle. You will find yourself lacking motivation, become extremely exhausted, being very snappy, making more mistakes than usual.


This will always end up in zero results for you and your biz.

Instead of reaching the stage of complete burnout, I want you to focus on you.


You will start working on your business instead of in it and the results will be... wait for it.. 

✅ You will accept the abundance you so truly deserve
✅ You will be glowing with happiness from the inside out & have the capacity to grow
✅ Your ideas will start flowing and you will be productive AF
✅ You will be so aligned with your biz
✅ Reignite the flame you started your business with.